Tag: Buy Toys
1986 Transformers Mail Away Offer Mirage and Ratchet
Transformers 1986 would be the new beginning for some characters, and it would also mark the end to several others that we came to love. That would include the two that are shown today. Autobots Ratchet and Mirage. After the retail offering of the series 1 cars in 1985 Hasbro introduced some back to us…
G1 Transformers Shockwave No Rub Short Grey Border
I recently found this Shockwave. While I have seen Shockwave before with out a rub sign I never noticed the box variant shown here. This box has a short grey border. If you look at the picture you can clearly see there is no grey border under the laser part of the art. The TM…
Mail Offer Transformers Minibot Cosmos Find
In 1986 Hasbro offered 3 Minibots as mail offer figures. Along with an order form from a Transformers product, robot points, and a check or money order for shipping and handling, you could have received one of these little fellows in the mail. Such a wonderful and suspenseful feeling for a child to have. Today…
1986 Series 3 Release Starscream Graded an AFA 90
In 1986 Transformers The Movie hit theaters. While most of us have our own opinion on the film we will focus on the toys. The movie introduced us to new characters. Some of our beloved characters were killed off. Series 3 would change the line for a more futuristic look with the toys. Characters we…